Mis pequeños retoños

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014


danna:reading) or not
danny:hi danna^^
danna:hi 77
danny:what hapend?
danna:anything,just, you interrupted me while reading
danna:you can do anything
danny:em...yes but...I wanted to see you...
danna:O.O realy?!
danny:em...yes -///-
danna:feet do not worry, I'm already,just I'm go
danny:no, danna, please, stay here with me
danna:O.O danny sorry but I have to go, my parents will kill me -.-
danna:I'll see you later, in earson okey?
danny:looks to be) ash danna I do now? I love you, and you know it (goes)

In count bleck castel:
Dann:I'm here
Leo:and,how are danny?7u7
Danna:and what happent to vannesa?you like this game realy?i can play too
Leo:o pleaz,you are a little girl,and i am big brother and you,my little sister
Danna:I GO TOO KILL YOU!!!!!!
Dimentio:STOP!!!(the frozen in time)
Danna: D: DAD,YOU heard him
Mr.L: could stop whining sis fight for?
Leo and Danna:Nop^^
Dimentio:just go to sit and eat

next day:
Alex:never approve
Danna:think, have another 300 years to try
Alex:ja ja ja....look,is time to go to earson
Danna:shut up7///7

In Earson:

Danny:hi danna ^^
Danna:D DANNY\^○^/(she hug him)
Danny:you arr happy to see my?
Danny:tell me the true
Danna:um...yes ^^
Danny: danna..I...
Danna:what,pleaz tell me 
Danny:I..I love you -///-
Danna: O.O Danny?!


?: Peter Throw it 
peter: ok marc (kicking the ball)
 Daisy: aaaa (tree falls)> · < 
?: What was that (goes to Daisy) 
Daisy:>·< m...
? :these well 
Daisy: ..um...yes
marc: danny the ball! 
peter: daniel is delayed because ... O.O (see his black and white wisp) 
Daisy: (hides the wisp). I'm fine ..... 
daniel: ♥. ♥ ... your name? 
Daisy: I ... daisy = \
daniel: lol 
Daisy: makes you a little grace my name> · < 
daniel: no, just ... my mother is so called

daniel: Daisy, her name is .. 
dana: DANA my father loved your mother and Daisy tells me every time he sees me as just because you remember your mother
 daniel: actually, her name is cute,I see you something happens nervous
danna:notting,just I nervius for leo
danny:who is leo(someting jealus)
danna:my big brother

---------------------- -------------- ○ - ○ - ○ ------------------------------- --------- 
danna (sleeping with a book in hand) -.- 
daniel: (see sleeping on the tree) OO danna, danna awake (it moves the shoulder) Danna! 
danna: -. . - 
daniel: danna (kisses him * typical *)! 
  danna :. (wake up) ... um - or hi danny 
daniel: Hi danna, you are the dream ^ ^ 
danna: I did not sleep well 
daniel: want to walk a while ^^ 
danna: * shit can not desir not, will suspect> = (* chiaro 
daniel: and did you read that shit * say * 
danna: Greek mythology ^^ get bored * hope * perché 
daniel: * that aburida but I * seriously interested paracer !!! that cool ^^ 
danna (read his mind) if clear, because lie> = (

  daniel: wave danna ^^ 
danna: wave as it goes with ares but Aphrodite is the wife of Hephaestus, makes no sense, or if because I talves Hephaestus is not very handsome to say that I hope you think * lol * q is abura? 
daniel: * idea * I do now but to ask me, you do not know 
danna: no idea, but considering that Aphrodite is the goddess of love and it is more beautiful and cute ares hesfesto zeus threw it as hard abojo a hill, and that's her favorite son, she would come out with any ^^ * aburete * 
daniel: and as you know that, do not you think esque is a lot of information 
danna: nop, actually left me 3 types of Greek myths, I think is 4 titans. 
daniel: some other issue more interesantez * shut up * 
danna: you know that the Egyptians many layers above ??? * lol only get honest and say that no matter * 
danna: okey, what you had to say haci know, when you need something I do not look (leaves) 

daniel: That, danna sorry, I forgot that shit -.- q aruine'll do now.

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